LINC Level Controls and flow switches
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LINC Level Controls and flow switches can activate alarms, provide a switch input for control systems, or perform a variety of desired switch operations actuated by a liquid or liquid interface.
For more than 50 years, LINC Level Controls have outperformed in the toughest customer applications around the world.
LINC level and flow switches monitor a variety of liquids and provide a pneumatic or electric signal to activate alarms, operate valves, or start and stop pumps. All our LINC level and flow switches are made to order from 316 stainless steel with a variety of sizes and configurations to meet your exact requirements. Even in the most challenging environmental conditions, you can count on the reliability of LINC for years to come.
Note : The Linc pump range was discontinued in 2017 although various spare parts for the pumps are still available. We continue to be able to assist with spares.
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